For a dominant species, we’ve got a lot to learn about power.
For a social species, we’ve got a lot to learn about social justice.

We’ve got a lot to learn about fairness. Equality.

And, quite frankly, we’re pretty stupid when it comes to generosity. We call ourselves human, and yet where did the giving go?

To all of you in whatever walk of life you may come from: do you want our children to grow up in a world like this? Do you want our children to look up to us as the villains of a children’s book?

While good-intentioned, Instagram stories and Twitter retweets can only take us so far.

We must not let our cause die if the trend ever does.

The amount of respect I have for those who take action against maltreatment is immeasurable. There are no words I can write to show my appreciation for those both on the frontlines of both the pandemic and the demand for action.

For someone who’s always enjoyed dystopic novels for a majority of my teenage years, the world’s drawing awfully close to these societies. Those books were meant to warn, not to foretell.

There’s never been a better time to step up. There’s no such thing as the path of least resistance when it comes to social justice.

Please, please donate. Attend a protest, but stay safe. If not, share. Write. Have the uncomfortable conversations.

We can end this in our lifetime.
